Searching Intents
HumanFirst’s intent list can be searched in a variety of ways, helping you find exactly the intents you need for your workflows.
Keyword searchYou can use basic keyword search to surface intents. This form of search uses "fuzzy matching", making it tolerant to typos and incomplete matches.
Tag searchYou can use our tag predicates to specify which intents you want to see. Tag predicates let you specify a combination of the following rules:
- any of: show intents containing any of these tags
- all of: show intents containing all of these tags
- exclude: hide intents containing any of these tags
Entity searchEntity search is special in that it allows you to specify the entities you are looking for and it will surface intents that have annotations for those entities on their data.
Combining it allAll of the above search features can be combined to create very powerful search queries, helping you surface exactly the intents you need for your workflow.