Blindset testing
60 minutes
Introduction into using tags
- Using tags at the intent level
- Using tags at the utterance level
Running a blindset
- Reviewing what a blindset is and when to use one
- Utilising label names as an example
- Adding the literal intent name to every intent from a csv
- Understanding why is this a good test
Understanding what you want to achieve with blindsets
- The different types of blindsets
- Regression - middle of the meaning, cases that should match
- Analyst - difficult or edge cases
- Specific sets for specific purposes
- The different types of blindsets
Configuring the HumanFirst to exclude blinds by intent tags
Configuring HumanFirst to run an evaluation on an external NLU
Importing a blindset from a CSV and automatically adding a phrase level tag
Blindsets as a way of having a structured empircal approaches for redesigning classes