Uploading into the Studio

Uploading data to the HF tool and understanding the importance of useful metadata#

Uploading data to the HF tool and understanding the importance of useful metadata

00:00: Introduction
00:35: Uploading the JSON File
01:12: Indexing and Embedding
01:37: Creating a Blank Workspace
02:16: Linking Data Set to Workspace
02:39: Using Existing Data Sets
03:13: Exploring Client and Expert Addresses
03:59: Identifying Problematic Intents
04:51: Understanding Conversation ID
05:11: Improving Traceability using conversation ID
05:43: Identifying Escalation Areas
06:14: Fallback Indicators
06:27: Other important metadata

Steps to upload dataset#

  • Go to data management in the left bar of the tool.
  • Upload the file to a dataset.
  • Uploading these files will use up some of your datapoint allowance.
  • Conversations can be viewed only after linking the dataset to a workspace.
  • If you have an existing model link the dataset to that model, otherwise create a blank workspace and link the dataset to that workspace.

Once the dataset is linked, the conversations can be analysed using the various metadata and improve the overall chatbot's performance and user experience.