id stringUnique identifier of the NLU engine in the workspace. |
name string(Optional) User defined name of the NLU engine. Since a user can have multiple NLU engines of the same type, this name is used to identify the engine in the UI. |
engine_version stringVersion of the specified NLU engine. Since multiple deployments are feasible, this specifies the exact image which will be used when using an external NLU engine. This parameter has no impact for the internal engine. |
is_default booleanInternally managed flag to indicate that this is the default engine of the workspace. This should not be modified via the API as it is enforced by the backend, unless set when calling CreatePlaybookNluEngine or UpdatePlaybookNluEngine to declare an engine as default. |
seq_id uint32Internally managed non-zero unique sequential number assigned to the engine. This should not be modified via the API as it is enforced by the backend. |
on_demand_train booleanOnly allow training the NLU engine when it is explicitely triggered. Useful to prevent expensive NLU engines (ex: DialogFlow) from being triggered automatically. |
on_demand_infer booleanOnly allow using the NLU engine in unlabelled data inference if it's explicitely triggered to run. |
max_retry UInt32ValueWrapper message for uint32 . The JSON representation for UInt32Value is JSON number. |
integration_id string(Optional) Unique identifier of the integration if the NLU engine is linked to an external integration. |
training_tag_predicate TagPredicaterequire_ids string[]Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids. | include_ids string[]Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids. | exclude_ids string[]Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids. |
intent_tag_predicate TagPredicaterequire_ids string[]Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids. | include_ids string[]Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids. | exclude_ids string[]Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids. |
hierarchical_remap_score BoolValueWrapper message for bool . The JSON representation for BoolValue is JSON true and false . |
internal NluEngineInternallatent_space_key string(Optional) Specify the latent space to use when training this engine |
rasa NluEngineRasapipeline_config stringContents of the config.yml to be used for training |
dialogflow_cx NluEngineDialogflowCxproject_id stringGCP project of the agent. If empty, default project in the integration will be used. | location stringGCP location of the agent (ex: northamerica-northeast1) If empty, default project in the integration will be used, otherwise global is used. | credential_id string | model_type enum |
huggingface NluEngineHuggingFacebase_model stringThe base model to start from. See The model needs to use a supported architecture and support TensorFlow (currently) e.g bert-base-uncased | config_json string(Optional) A json configuration to be merged with the base model's default configuration | training_args_json string(Optional) A json object containing training (hyper-) parameters |
custom NluEngineCustom |
auto_train booleanIf true, training and inference of this NLU engine will be triggered automatically when the playbook is saved. The engine will run training and inference regardless of the on_demand_train and on_demand_infer flags. |