
Returns a single preset object.

Path Parameters
namespace string โ€” REQUIRED

Namespace in which the preset exists.

playbook_id string โ€” REQUIRED

Unique identifier of the workspace in which the preset exists.

preset_id string โ€” REQUIRED

Unique identifier of the preset.

Response Body
id string

Id of the preset.

seq_id uint32

Internally managed non-zero unique sequential number assigned to the preset. This should not be modified via the API as it is enforced by the backend.

name string

Name of the preset.

description string

Description of the preset.

evaluation Evaluation

Contains settings for running evaluations via See for the matching fields that this connects to.

parameters EvaluationParameters
intent_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

k_fold KFold
num_folds uint32

Number of folds

phrase_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

test_set TestSet
phrase_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

nlu_id string

Optional unique identifier of the NLU engine to use in the workspace. If none specified, the workspace's default configured NLU engine will be used. See

evaluation_preset_id string

If specified, the evaluation parameters will be overridden by the parameters of the given preset id, discarding any current values.

auto boolean

If true, signals that the evaluation is an automatic run.

auto_evaluate boolean

Allow preset to be periodically evaluated automatically.

intents_export IntentsExport

Contains settings for exporting intents via See for the matching fields that this connects to.

format enum

Format of the exported data.

format_options IntentsDataOptions
hierarchical_intent_name_disabled boolean

Disables intents hierarchy encoding via the intent names. Ex: 'Parent / Sub-parent / Intent'

hierarchical_delimiter string

Overrides the default delimiter used for intent hierarchy. Default is '--' for Botpress and Dialogflow, '+' for Rasa, '/' for CSV

zip_encoding boolean

Indicates that the intents are zipped and may be splits in different files.

gzip_encoding boolean

Indicates that the intent file is gzipped.

hierarchical_follow_up boolean

To be used with Dialogflow to use intents hierarchy using intents follow-up.

include_negative_phrases boolean

Export negative phrases as well.

intent_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

phrase_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

skip_empty_intents boolean

Skip all intents that do not contain phrases.

intent_ids string[]

(Optional) Limit export to these given intents.

intents_import IntentsImport

Contains settings for importing intents via See for the matching fields that this connects to.

format enum

Format of the imported file.

format_options IntentsDataOptions
hierarchical_intent_name_disabled boolean

Disables intents hierarchy encoding via the intent names. Ex: 'Parent / Sub-parent / Intent'

hierarchical_delimiter string

Overrides the default delimiter used for intent hierarchy. Default is '--' for Botpress and Dialogflow, '+' for Rasa, '/' for CSV

zip_encoding boolean

Indicates that the intents are zipped and may be splits in different files.

gzip_encoding boolean

Indicates that the intent file is gzipped.

hierarchical_follow_up boolean

To be used with Dialogflow to use intents hierarchy using intents follow-up.

include_negative_phrases boolean

Export negative phrases as well.

intent_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

phrase_tag_predicate TagPredicate
require_ids string[]

Only include objects with ALL of the given tag ids.

include_ids string[]

Only include objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

exclude_ids string[]

Exclude objects with ANY of the given tag ids.

skip_empty_intents boolean

Skip all intents that do not contain phrases.

import_options ImportOptions
clear_intents boolean

Clears workspace intents before importing.

clear_entities boolean

Clears workspace entities before importing.

clear_tags boolean

Clears workspace tags before importing. Note: should not be used in combination with extra_intent_tags or extra_phrase_tags since we will clear potentially referenced tags.

merge_intents boolean

Tries to merge intents into existing ones if they can be found in the workspace.

merge_entities boolean

Tries to merge entities into existing ones if they can be found in the workspace.

merge_tags boolean

Tries to merge tags into existing ones if they can be found in the workspace.

extra_intent_tags TagReference[]

Add extra tags to imported intents.

id string

Unique identifier of the tag.

name string

(Optional) Only used when importing data that tag IDs are not defined yet. This will not be filled when requesting tagged objects.

protected boolean

For internal use. There is no guarantee that this will be properly filled.

extra_phrase_tags TagReference[]

Add extra tags to imported phrases.

id string

Unique identifier of the tag.

name string

(Optional) Only used when importing data that tag IDs are not defined yet. This will not be filled when requesting tagged objects.

protected boolean

For internal use. There is no guarantee that this will be properly filled.

override_metadata boolean

Overrides the description, color, and metadata of the workspace with the values of the imported file if they are supported in the received format. Supported formats: INTENTS_FORMAT_HF_JSON

override_name boolean

Overrides the name of the workspace with the value of the imported file if they are supported in the received format. Supported formats: INTENTS_FORMAT_HF_JSON